Solar panels in Valencia
If you are thinking of installing solar panels in your home, but you are not sure, let us tell you that at Holaluz we want to help you make the best decision by taking care of everything for you... That's why we tell you the real benefits you will get if you decide to install solar panels in your home.

What do you get by installing solar panels in Valencia?
Valencia has approximately 3,000 hours of sunshine per year. This makes it one of the areas with the highest solar exposure in Europe. This abundance of sun is a great advantage for solar energy generation. So, if you live in Valencia and want to install solar panels in your home, you are very few steps away from getting it... and start saving.
More about install Solar Panels
Solar panels installation
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Solar panel prices
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Self-consumption with surplus rate
Subsidies and grants solar panels
Permits for installing solar panels
Solar panel maintenance
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Distributed generation
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0€ electricity for 5 years